Inviato da: Mauro il October 14, 2002 at 20:43:14:
Ho trovato qualcosa di sorprendente che non ho
ancora capito bene cosa e' successo. Sembra che
in un libro del decimo secolo dopo Cristo ci sia
scritto in Latino che alcuni regnanti SARDI
(proprio quelli della Sardegna) abbiano dato a
SAN PIETRO il permesso di fondare uno stato sul
BALTICO (e la cosa aggiunge legami recenti a
tutti i toponimi baltici cosi' ricchi di
storia "cristiana-troiana").
"Dagome Iudex is a common name for one of the
earliest written documents related to Poland,
written originally in around 991/2"
"Item in alio tomo sub Iohanne XV papa Dagome
iudex et Ote senatrix et filii eorum: Misicam et
Lambertus - nescio cuius gentis homines, puto
autem Sardos fuisse, quoniam ipsi a III iudicibus
reguntur - leguntur beato Petro contulisse unam
civitatem in integro, que vocatur Schinesghe, cum
omnibus suis pertinentiis infra hos affines,
sicuti incipit a primo latere longum mare, fine
Bruzze usque in locum, qui dicitur Russe et fines
Russe extendente usqie in Craccoa et ab ipsa
Craccoa usque ad flumen Oddere recte in locum,
qui dicitur Alemure, et ab ipsa Alemura usque in
terram Milze recte intra Oddere et exinde ducente
iuxta flumen Oddera usque in predictam civitatem
"Also in another book from the times of Pope John
XV, Dagome [1], lord, and Ote, lady[3], and their
sons Mieszko and Lambert[4] (I don't know of
which tribe are those people, but I think they
are Sardinians, because those are ruled by four
lords) were supposed to give to Saint Peter one
state in whole, which is called Shinesghe[5] with
all its lands in borders, which from one side are
started along the sea[6], along the Prussia to
the place called Rus, from there to the Cracow
and from that Cracow to the river of ODER,
straight to place called Alemure[7], and from
that Alemure to the land of Milczanie, and from
that borders of that people to Oder and from
that, going with river of Oder, ending at earlier
mentioned state of Shinesghe."