Inviato da: Mauro il May 27, 2003 at 15:28:42:
Una novita' recentissima annunciata settimana
scorsa dal direttore del museo archeologico
Hanno ritrovato un libro etrusco di sei pagine
in una tomba presso il fiume Struva. Attendiamo
con ansia che si diffondano le immagini del
reperto per vedere le molteplici interpretazioni
possibili (tutti i reperti italici sono
frammentari e questo e' l'unico libro rimasto
intero). Ci sono immagini di guerrieri e di una
"The world's only preserved copy of an Etruscan
gold book was donated to Bulgaria's National
Museum of History. The director of the museum
broke the news on Thursday.
A Bulgarian who lives in Macedonia presented the
museum with the unique artifact on condition of
anonymity. The book contains six pages and is
the only wholly perserved copy known to
archeology so far. Except the ancient text, the
23.82-carat gold pages carry images of warriors
and a siren.
Only single pages of Etruscan books have been
discovered in Italy whose territory was the
homeland of ancient Etruscans. The donator said
that he came across the book in the valley of
Bulgarian Struma River during a road
construction works. The benefactor discovered it
in an ancient tomb with frescoes - a piece of
which depicting a warrior he took with him. This
fragment was also donated together with the gold
The precious artifact probably reached what is
now the territory of modern Bulgaria through
antic trade channels. The text and especially
the images indicate the book was made for the
funeral of an aristocrat who was an adept of the
Orpheus cult.
The Greek philosopher Pythagoras influenced by
the orphism -- a Thracian religion -- spread its
ideas in ancient Greek cities in Southern Italy
and the neighboring territories of Etruscan
The script of this mysterious Etruscans is not
yet fully made out. Bulgarian Prof. Valdimir
Geogiev is one of the researches with most
significant contribution to the decipher