Nimrod, uscito dalla Mesopotamia, si reca in Assiria e fonda Ninive (NYNVh), Rehoboth (RHBT), Calah (KLH) e Resen (RSN):
Genesi 10:11, 10:12 | Genesis 10:11, 10:12 |
Di li' usci' in Assur e costrui' Ninive (NYNVh), Rehoboth-Ir (RHBT ^YR), Calah (KLH) e Resen (RSN), tra Ninive e Calah... | Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh (NYNVh), and the city Rehoboth (RHBT ^YR), and Calah (KLH), and Resen (RSN) between Nineveh and Calah... |
2 Re 17:6 | 2 Kings 17:6 |
L'anno nono di Osea, il re d'Assiria espugno' Samaria, deporto' gli Israeliti in Assiria e li stabili' a Calach (HLH), a Cabor (HBVR), sul fiume di Gozan (GZVN), e nelle citta' della Media | In the ninth year of Hoshea the king of Assyria took Samaria, and carried Israel away into Assyria, and placed them in Halah (HLH) and in Habor (HBVR) by the river of Gozan (GZVN), and in the cities of the Medes |
Giona 3:1 | Jonah 3:1 |
Giona si mise in cammino per andare a Ninive (NYNVh)... Ninive (NYNVh) era una citta' molto grande, lunga tre giorni di cammino | So Jonah arose, and went unto Nineveh (NYNVh)... Now Nineveh (NYNVh) was an exceeding great city of three days' journey |